Below are a few of my current projects. Feel free to contact me if you have any further questions related to this work!
Peer perceptions of disordered speech among preschool and school-aged children
Children index variability in the speech signal when making certain friendship preference decisions. For example, children will use a talker’s accent in friendship selection tasks, reliably choosing more local varieties than more distant accents. The overall objective of this project is to identify social preferences of typically developing children when presented with disordered speech to further elucidate the social world of young children who present with SSDs.
Acoustic/phonetic properties of disordered speech in children
SLPs, who often rely on perceptual evaluations of articulation errors in their practice, can benefit from an understanding of the acoustic and articulatory characteristics of typical and disordered speech in children. The aim of this project is to utilize acoustic and phonetic measurements to quantify differences in acoustic characteristics among monolingual American English-speaking children with and without speech sound disorders.
Children's perception of accent strength among L1 and L2 English speakers
Unfamiliar accents can lead to more effortful and less accurate word recognition for both children and adults. Children have shown difficulty distinguishing among L1 English accents in previous categorization and classification tasks. However, few studies have addressed children’s perceptions of accent strength, although accent strength is used by older children and adults to make social judgments.